Youth Citizens of 2014

Local Youth Citizen of the Year:

Emma Hicks

Emma was nominated by Becky Partridge as Sackville’s 2014 Local Youth Citizen of the year.

“She gives up her spare Saturday mornings during the Fall/Winter to spend it on the ice with Sackville’s Can-Skaters.  She is an incredible coach to these young skaters, for her only being 13 years old.  She gives it her all and creates amazing bonds with the towns smallest residences.  She truly deserve the recognition from Youth Citizen of the Year for all she does for the Sackville Skating Club and the little Can-Skaters.”

YCY-Emma Hicks

 Here’s is Emma accepting her award from our Chair, Harold Jarche at our award ceremony on Friday September 19th.
Photo thanks to Katie Tower.

Mount Allison’s 2014  Youth Citizens of the Year:

Spencer Isaac, Jenna Gaudet & Mollie McGuire

Heidi Griffin nominated these three youth as the Youth Citizen’s of the year for their work with the Mount Allison Aboriginal Support Group. 

“ The Mount Allison Aboriginal Support Group is dedicated to creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for Aboriginal students and allies both on campus and the wider Sackville community. Through collaboration and cooperation with the faculty and administration of Mount Allison University the Aboriginal Support Group will establish a physical space, programs, and year-round activities that will work towards optimizing the educational and personal experience for Aboriginal existing and future students of Mount Allison.”
Here is CHMA’s coverage of our 3 winners & the work that they have accomplished in Sackville.

YCY-Spencer Isaac

 Accepting the youth citizen award on behalf of the Aboriginal Support Group is Spencer Isaac on Friday September 19th. Photo thanks to Katie Tower.


 The Board of  Renaissance Sackville is proud to present their annual award winners for local youth who have made outstanding contributions to our community. For more information on the award, please see our previous post.

 For more information on what we’re up to, check out our latest Newsletter.